Thursday, June 5, 2008

Transcendental Play

“Life is either a dancing adventure or nothing at all.” -Helen Keller

How many times has everything in life flowed in complete ease when everything that you need or desire shows up exactly when you need it? How many times has “Murphy’s Law” taken effect where everything falls apart at the seams? It’s probably a mix of both situations. Most of us have learned to take ourselves far too seriously! This causes our attention to be very confined to what we think is happening in our little corner of the universe. Because of this what we truly perceive of life is really very little in comparison to all that is going on. In the waking state of consciousness we only use about 5-10 percent of our brain while thinking about 50,000 thoughts a day. Most of these thoughts are dealing with the mundane, dwelling in the past, or projecting into the future. This chatter is the main cause for narrowing our perceptive abilities to a small range. It can be easy to think of ourselves as simply pawns in a play being orchestrated by some uncaring or even malevolent director. This is the consciousness of being a victim to life. Thinking this way is a choice that results in pain and suffering. We can, of course, make a choice to think in another way. It is really not a difficult thing to do. In truth, this whole universe is nothing other than a stage on which Divinity dances. Our individual lives have the potential to be pure expressions of this dance. Every experience is brought to us to help facilitate the full realization of our potential. Every experience, without exceptions.

As a young child and a teenager I day dreamed often of the future events of my life. I would come up with elaborate scenarios and would picture people that I did not know at the time. Years later many of these day-dreams would play themselves out right down to the minute details of conversation. This never ceases to amaze me. When I was 13, my mother and I were in a car accident from which she died. The night before I had asked her if she was going to die, and she of course, replied no. The next morning I awoke with a loud gasp only to see the sun shining on her and my father as they passed by my room to go on their morning walk. Even at the time it seemed like one of those shots from a movie that was too perfect to be a product of chance. They asked me what was wrong, but I simply couldn’t put my feelings into anything but sobs. After the accident, as we were in the ambulance together, she was laboring to hold onto life. She called out my name several times and I answered that I was o.k. After that, her breathing became less labored and I had the distinct experience of her leaving her body.

Shortly afterward I knew that she had fulfilled her part in my life and in so doing gave me the greatest gift; the gift of giving me a spiritual awakening. All of the events brought about a subtle sense that my life was being guided by a greater intelligence. The other major change was that for 3 months I wasn’t afraid of everything. I was completely present with everything that was going on in me and around me and I experienced a huge energy moving in everything. I could feel this power like a wind that stirred my soul. I could see its essence dancing underneath the laughter of my friends and could feel its warmth moving through the care of my grieving father.
I had no conception or idea of what was happening in me. Only later did I recognize that the huge energy was pure Joy that came from living a life without any mental garbage or restrictions, completely in the present moment, freed from the growing cages of my young ego. That state did not last forever, the garbage started to return, but never would life be the same and soon my quest for a permanent experience of that unbounded Joy began.
Death may seem like a somber topic for a publication dedicated to Joy and Laughter, but for many it serves as a catalyst to break through the boundaries that keep our Love and Joy locked behind closed doors. As children we are so innocent. We have no restrictions. We freely express ourselves and experience life fluidly. Our perceptions are open, and many children can see the fairies and elementals of the subtle realms. Little by little the veils close in as our programming leaves less and less room for clear perception. Flowing with life seems to become more difficult as we place more and more restrictions upon ourselves. There is no real reason to hold onto anything. This is a world of constant change. In the end we are only grasping for grains of sand. All that is truly essential takes care of itself. All we need to do is let go and let the river of life take us where it will. The easiest way to do this is to directly connect with the truest part of us; to directly experience all the potential that is obscured and hidden by the habitual ramblings of our mind. It’s very hard to break a habit by force. It is very easy to break a habit if we experience something greater and more pleasing. Inside all of us there is a well of Peace and Joy that is waiting to be tapped into. One taste of that and the old restrictive habits start to fall away. Whether everything is seemingly going our way or it is a “Murphy’s Law” type of day is of not much concern when you know a Joy that transcends and permeates both experiences. Then life really does become a dancing adventure!

All of this can certainly be easier said than done. Fortunately there are some reliable tools in this world to help facilitate the process of transforming life into one lived in Joy and Love. One of these tools is called the Ishayas’ Ascension. It is simple, requires no effort or special qualifications to practice, and is very effective. If you would like more information about it, visit our website at or call 888-474-2921. This article was originally published in Synchronicity Magazine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh thank You Lord, for giving MSI the awareness and the gifts to be able to bring the Ascension practice to us. We praise You!
