Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Service of Being

The Service of Being
“As the least drop of wine tinges the whole goblet, so the least particle of truth colors of whole life.”
-The Upanishads

As a wanna-be teenage monk (yes, such a thing does exist) I would come up with many, many work projects to do in hopes of realizing my higher consciousness; cleaning the house, garage and everything in sight, volunteering where I could, picking up trash around my town, helping old ladies across the street, anything and everything. My attention always seemed to be on trying to get enlightened through thinking about everything on the outside and I really ran myself quite ragged. I would often think, “Does this do any good?” I wanted to find some kind of manual for what actions are “good” and what actions are “bad” so that I could just treat life like some formula and just fill in the blanks. This kind of equation does not seem to exist. What is positive from one point of view can be quite detrimental from another. It is impossible from the waking state level of our minds to know all the outcomes of our actions. The wonderful thing is that there is so much more to life than what we are usually taught and that “more to life” rests inside us. There is a way to transform our actions so that they have only beneficial effects. This transformative power comes from tapping into the level of our Pure Consciousness, the level of Being.

There is a wonderful old Chinese story about a farmer and a horse. There are many variations, but it goes something like this. A horse comes to the farmer and his neighbors say, “Oh what good fortune”. The farmer answers, “Maybe yes, maybe no, who can say?” Later the horse runs away and his neighbors say, “Oh, what bad fortune.” He replies, “Maybe yes, maybe no, who can say?” The horse returns with a whole herd and the neighbors proclaim, “What wonderful fortune!” He replies, “Maybe yes, maybe no, who can say?” Next, the farmer’s son attempts to break in one of the wild horses and ends up falling and breaking his leg. The neighbors exclaim the bad fortune and again the farmer says, “Maybe yes, maybe no, who can say?” War breaks out and all able bodied young men are being conscripted. The farmer’s son cannot go because of his broken leg. The townspeople proclaim, “What good fortune!” The farmer says, “Maybe yes, maybe no, who can say?” This can go on forever. . . . . In the end you can’t really know the outcomes of your actions from the surface mind. What is most important with any action is your awareness while doing it. The wisdom to know what serves in any given moment is found by experiencing a state of consciousness that is deeper than waking, sleeping, and dreaming. As our awareness of that higher consciousness expands it becomes more and more clear which actions, feelings, thoughts are helpful to us and which are not. When we know who we really are, then we know the True identity of all the other actors on this world stage. Underneath me, mother, father, sister, brother, lover, friend, enemy, acquaintance, homeless man is the same underlying Consciousness. This Consciousness is the unified field of creation. When we experience this place of consciousness our mind becomes clear and coherently functioning. Actions performed at this level work for the Good of all life. A problem cannot be solved at the level that it’s created. By going to the source of all thought we connect to a level of consciousness that is deeper than all problems; we connect to the level of solutions.

By being of service we become channels for the river of life. As humans we have a choice to either resist our life or to flow with life. Service is a gateway that allows our individual will to be transformed into the cosmic will. We can bind ourselves to our perceptions, beliefs, ideas, programming, likes, dislikes, opinions, conceptions, words and deeds, or we can bind ourselves to something much more subtle than all of those mentioned before. We can live a life in complete awareness and cooperation with the Essential element of life itself, the Unbounded Infinite Field. In binding ourselves to the Unbounded we become infinitely flexible to any and all situations that arise in life. Attaining this state is a true service and service leads to the attainment of this state of Truth. When this state is attained we become as conduits for the prime energy of the Universe, Love. In this way we are never left empty or lacking. In fact, living in this way leads to a never ending supply of Love, Joy, and Intelligence. It is much easier than the alternative-the alternative being to live a life solely or primarily in the very limited domain of the ego. Service leads to a life lived beyond these boundaries and living life beyond these boundaries is a life of service. If you wish to turn your life into a life of service an easy means is becoming intimately familiar with this Consciousness. There are millions of ways to do this (the exclamation point symbolizes ample experience)! A fast and efficient way is to be dedicated to a practice, discipline, or technique that moves the mind inward. Through the practice the mind gains regular experience of the deeper , more expanded levels of awareness that are only waiting for us to tap into them. Infinite awareness is not far away nor is experiencing it. It is strange that we must traverse a path to it at all for it has always been present, Here and Now. It has only been the habit of our mind to wander ceaselessly into the realms of the past, the future and the distant which has obscured our connection to the Infinite Inner Light. Once we re-cognize this Light, the path of true service will be illuminated. However you wish to proceed there is always more power in focusing our energy. There is more benefit in digging one hole ten feet deep than there is in digging 10 holes one foot deep. Pick a direction and go there with all your heart, mind, and soul and the recognition of Pure Consciousness will happen swiftly.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

One Pointed Faith


The secret to success in any area of human concern is really no secret at all, it is so obvious: whatever you whole-heartedly put your attention on, you will progress. The master key in that sentence is "whole-heartedly." Half-heartedly doesn't work, in business, in relationships, in life. Three-quarters-heartedly doesn't work either. Neither does 99.9%-heartedly. Wherever there is a crack in commitment, doubt and then mistakes and then failure rush in. Whole means complete, entire, with every fiber of one's being dedicated to the goal. That works. When one is 100% complete, the almighty forces of Nature align behind one to bring success in countless unforeseen ways.

Anytime we think the problem is somehow "out there", we have missed the essential point of human life. All of our experience, all of our creation comes from inside, from here, from our heart. To change the outer world is impossible without first changing the inner world. As Thoreau put it, For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root. The power of a life that stems from inner strength is incomparable. Life dedicated to external solutions will lead to ever-increasing frustration as one is disappointed again and again with all noble efforts to change the outer world. The outer world has a certain wonderful disdain for the attempts of the human to change it, if the human is not coming from the place of whole-heartedness. It is not difficult to become whole-hearted. It takes a reversal of the typical direction of awareness. From birth, we have been trained to use our senses in an outward direction. This was necessary for survival and has served us well. We needed to learn to identify that of the outer world that nourished, that which was safe, that which was not. Then we went to school and learned some ability of using the mind horizontally: thinking about things. Both of these directions of the mind we accept without question as being utterly natural and normal, simply because we are so familiar with them. With both these motions of awareness being natural, outward vertical and horizontal, why should anyone think that the third obvious motion of the mind, inward vertical, should be unnatural and involve effort in order to accomplish? It is a curious result of waking state thinking, that the inward-direction of the mind alone should involve work.

The Reality is quite other: it takes less energy to think at deeper or more inward levels of thought, therefore it is actually easier to go inside than it is to use the senses in an outward direction or even to think about something! It is just that the average person has never been trained to take the attention inward. Too bad, because it is precisely by taking the attention inward that one learns to be whole-hearted. The Ishayas' Ascension process is the most effortless means available in the world today to train the mind to move gently inward. No effort is required in order to Ascend. None. Zilch. Nada. In fact, the single most common mistake among new individuals to the practice is that they try to do it. They try and try and try and it doesn't work and so they stop Ascending. A great tragedy, that, and all based upon the simple misunderstanding that it involves effort to Ascend. It is explained... over and over again!.... in the First Sphere Weekend that Ascension is a completely effortless process, but there is so much information being communicated there, it is not surprising that some of it gets overlooked, particularly this fact. The life-long habit is to use effort when one thinks. The inward-direction of the mind alone is effortless. Small wonder then, it takes some time to learn this concept. As one moves gently inward, several remarkable things begin to happen. First, the body settles down to very deep rest, deeper than that of sleep at night. This allows deep stresses and strains to be released from the physiology. Second, the mind starts erasing the old grooves of doubt, of limitation, of fear, of self-destructive behavior patterns. This is true because the inward movement of the mind takes one to greater levels of subtlety that automatically start erasing the boundaries of limits. Third, joy and peace start spontaneously developing in the life, freeing one's heart from the painful shrouds of past experience. Life begins to be lived in innocence and unconditional love. Every area of life changes for the better with Ascension, because the mind controls every area of the life and the mind begins immediately to expand, to lose the boundaries and limits of old, fear-based thinking.

As this process continues, one begins to become more and more innocent, to live life more and more fully in the present moment of time, without preconceived ideas or judgments about the nature of reality. The constant chatter of the internal dialogue gradually stills, freeing one to experience pure creativity and joy in every moment. As life becomes simpler and more innocent, one naturally finds that one's desires become increasingly one-pointed. As the full power of attention is directed onto a single desire, the fulfillment of the desire becomes more and more quickly; in time, the fulfillment is instantaneous.

What is desire like in the waking state? You desire an apple and go the refrigerator only to find that the only apple there is mushy, half-rotten, with a worm sticking out of it, laughing at you. With increasing evolution, you desire an apple and go to the refrigerator and your roommate has just purchased a bag of the most beautiful, ripe, crisp apples you can imagine. Evolve a bit further, and you don't have to get up out of your big overstuffed chair: you desire an apple and your partner walks in the door bringing you one, saying, "I just thought you might like an apple..." Evolve further still, no partner is necessary to produce the apple at your side, in your hand. These are stages of the growth of physical mastery, of one-pointed faith. "For verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." - Matthew 17:20. Faith as a grain of mustard seed is one-pointed faith. When the intellect is firmly focused on a point, the awareness is free to experience itself as it truly is: unbounded, infinite, absolute. When the intellect is established in one-pointed faith and learns to entertain desires in one-pointed faith, the unbounded nature of Ascendant Awareness acts instantly to fulfill the desires. This is known as the Miracle Power; it automatically develops in anyone who continues Ascending long enough to clean all the internal machinery completely.

The waking state sells itself far short. Created in the image and likeness of God, the average human lives a life more akin to the animals than to the glorious potentiality of full human realization. Unfortunate misinterpretations of the world's scriptures have contributed greatly to the distorted and unfortunate self-images that keep humanity locked into limitations and boundaries instead of freeing the human race to soar with angelic wings into the heart of Heaven. Fortunately, any mistake, even those of centuries-long duration, can be changed by simply choosing again for the Truth. The Atonement patiently awaits all humans' simple choice to flow with the Ascending currents of Natural Law, rather than continue to be caught by the darkness of the ego's created universes of fantasies, of pain and death. This is a choice, a simple choice; once the choice is made, whole-heartedness naturally follows. And following whole-heartedness is the most remarkable series of transformations that leaves, in the end, the human as a full manifestation of God's perfect Creation.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Commitment by MSI

The following is one of many wonderful articles written by MSI (Maharishi Sadasiva Isham), the modern day Master who brought the teaching of Ascension to America and the western world and trained teachers to teach it to others. He wrote some great books entitled Ascension, First Thunder, Second Thunder, Third Thunder, and Enlightenment which is a new translation and commentary of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. All of these books are available for sale on our website and some are in free ebook form. They can also be found on Amazon.com. Here is the article. Enjoy. . . . . .

“For every thousand striking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root.”
—Henry David Thoreau

The simplest lessons on Earth often prove the hardest. This is not true because the lessons are inherently difficult; it is true because of the human tendency in the waking state to undermine that which serves growth and expansion. The ego does not want to go silent into that dark night, or at least not until the soul chooses firmly for alignment with the Truth.

This is a desire world. Actions quickly create results here. Whatever you want, what ever you desire to become, Nature acts to create that for you. How does your life transform? By your consistently and with dedication working toward a goal. This is true regardless what your particular goal happens to be. Having you ever wanted something in the physical? A new car, a new boyfriend, a new house, a better job? How did it come to you? Did you work hard to create the means to make it happen? Or did it effortlessly flow to you?

When one is aligned with the invincible forces of Natural Law, desired goals materialize extremely quickly. But if there are contradictory desire streams — desires for two opposing things at the same time — it becomes much more difficult for Nature to fulfill the desires. For example, you might think that you desire an ideal relationship, but if part of your brain is thinking, “Hah, you don’t deserve that. It’s never worked before. No one else has an ideal relationship. How could you possibly be so lucky? Or some other such noise picked up from painful past experience of limitation — then there are split desire streams; fulfilling the desire for an ideal relationship becomes difficult or impossible. If the past was painful, if the parents were toxic or the childhood environment abusive, if there were no role models of a Holy Relationship, then the task of structuring a healthy, evolving relationship probably seems much more difficult, may perhaps appear impossible. So the war continues within the desirer.

Similarly with the desire for health. Everyone has within the inherent capability of being perfectly aligned with perfect health. From excessive abusive habits of thought and body, the native intelligence of the body is overwhelmed. It is not necessary to actively work to be healthy; it is only necessary to stop undermining the body’s natural ability to be healed. Perfect health is our birthright. Disease is a hallucination born from the ego’s sad dreams of failure and fear.

The effect of our thoughts is easily seen in the body. Every thought, every feeling produces biochemical responses throughout the immune system. If we are happy or in love, the body responds by making us healthy. If we are sad or angry, the body responds by making us sick. If we alternate between joy and sadness, the body responds by making us sometimes healthy and sometimes sick. Life can be very long or very short — this is determined by the quality of our thought much more than the quality of the food, air or water that our bodies ingest.

Similarly with the desire for enlightenment. Some say they wish to be enlightened but don’t really believe it is possible. Others attempt for a while to move ahead but are not willing to break the attachments to their beliefs that cripple their expansion into the Infinite One. Still others desire enlightenment for the wrong reasons — to control others, perhaps, or to gain wealth or power. All such will never succeed — God is perfectly willing to outwait the ego. Even if it takes all of Eternity, the Holy Spirit will patiently wait for a soul to desire reunification with the One. It is not possible to serve two masters. When one realizes that there is a reason for human existence and aligns with that purpose, life becomes supremely simple. Until that day, life is divided between the world and the spirit. And God patiently waits. And waits. And waits. . . .

Human consciousness is sufficiently subtle to impact the Natural Laws that uphold the progression of the Universe. Human desire stirs the waters of the Cosmic Sea; they rise in waves to fulfill our every impulse of thought. This is not commonly observed in the waking state because desires are often opposed — Nature tries to fulfill them but cannot because opposite things are desired — or the desires are so numerous that Nature does not have sufficient time to fulfill them. On the other hand, when we learn to entertain one desire at a time, the time required to fulfill the desire shrinks — and the more consistently one desire is entertained without introducing opposing thoughts, the more quickly it can be fulfilled. One-pointed faith can accomplish anything here on Earth, One purpose of Ascension is to teach the mind the art of desiring one thing at a time.

The most evolved individuals on the Earth today realize that the human race needs to be healed. The Earth cries out in pain from abusive actions by ignorant and controlling people; the invincible forces of Natural Law move to heal the living organism we call Gaia but are seemingly overwhelmed by the excessive destructive desires and actions of our six billion fellow humans. What to do?

Enlighten the human race, of course. All the seemingly insurmountable problems of Earth will be healed effortlessly when the human race matures.

When anyone rises to full human consciousness, the only desire remaining is that of the One — to heal humanity, to heal the Earth, to help all living beings learn that the omnipresence of the Ascendant includes everyone. There are no exceptions. Regardless how stressed the past, regardless how self-destructive the behavior patterns or abusive habits, there is not one person that cannot realize the One Ascendant Truth. However deep the hole dug by the past painful beliefs and actions, the One is deeper and bigger. There is nothing that the Ishayas’ Ascension cannot cure. There is no disease, no infirmity of body, mind, heart or soul that cannot be turned to health, joy, clarity and wisdom. There is nothing that can stand in the path of the growth of consciousness, nothing that can even much slow it except human stubbornness.

Whenever a human being chooses for the old self-destructive behavior and thought patterns — the old grooves of limitation and lack — the evolution of life into perfection is slowed. Whenever a human chooses for the Ascending currents of Praise, Gratitude or Love, life progresses with lightning speed into the indescribable beauty of the Divine Presence. There is a choice in every moment for every human. Go with the ego, with judgment, with fear — or align with the Holy Spirit, with innocence, with love. This is the purpose of human free will — to make the one choice that matters here, the one choice that heals, the one choice that is capable of permanently transforming a life to perfection and joy.

This choice is so much easier to make than is commonly believed. There is no difficulty in being enlightened; there is no problem that is so large the Infinite cannot heal it or solve it; there is nothing that can stand in the way of the dawn of perfection other than refusing to make the one choice that matters. When any human sees this choice clearly, it becomes absurdly easy to make it. Then the human ceases to be human and becomes divine.

Some of the questions that assist in this transformation are these: Where am I compromising in my life? Where am I allowing my past beliefs of limitation to influence my life right now? Why do I believe I am a limited being, subject to illness, suffering and death? Why do I deny my birthright to sing with the angels and dance with the gods? Who am I?

The simplicity of growth of consciousness revolves around the sun of commitment. When one is committed (and the commitment could be to anything), all of Natural Law aligns to bring fulfillment to the commitment. Nature abhors vacillation. If Natural Law vacillated, life would be impossible. Natural Law is forever committed and utterly consistent. Thus life plays across the pages of Eternity.

Equally consistent is the Teaching of the Ishayas, the ministers to humankind of full human consciousness, perfect health, flawless wisdom and unending joy.

If any of you have the good fortune to see anyone who attended the 17-day Intensive here at our Academy and is visiting home briefly before the beginning of Teacher-training to wrap up loose ends, you might enjoy asking about the commitment and dedication and ruthlessness that was experienced here in North Carolina. We as Ishayas have a mission to fulfill — we desire the human race to be fulfilled; we desire that the entire Earth rise in full enlightenment and immortality. We have no other purpose, no other desire, no other meaning. The eighty-one Course participants on the 17-day Intensive here have had the opportunity to see this firsthand. I suspect you might find their stories entertaining.

Once one makes the transition to commitment, all of life transforms to support. Experiences deepen and clarify, the ability to perceive and know naturally follows. From time to time, people come to us and say, “I will commit as soon as I experience.” Life works rather in the opposite direction. Experiences deepen and clarify as soon as commitment is made; the ability to perceive and know is a natural by-product of flawless commitment to the Truth.

This upside-down thinking is simply another version of the old story, “Show me a miracle, then I will believe.” Reality is forever disdainful of such approaches from the ego. Miracles follow one-pointed faith; one-pointed faith does not follow miracles. Life is a great deal simpler than the waking state commonly believes. It is not difficult to perform miracles; in fact, it is perfectly easy. Commitment comes first; everything else naturally follows.

Or, if this concept is simply too foreign to you, take the opposite approach: be careful, don’t commit yet, or at least not completely. But be willing to allow at least this much leeway into your life: stay open, watch, see what is going to happen. Bee innocent enough to see the miraculous transformations of life occurring around you in every moment. This entire Teaching of Ascension is nothing other than a miracle. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished by one-pointed faith; there is nothing we will not do in order to heal the Earth. Stay tuned and watch. Miracles abound around this Teaching. Don’t close your heart off to it, and see what will happen. You will be amazed.

Your holiness reverses all the laws of the world. It is beyond every restriction of time, space, distance and limits of any kind. — A Course In Miracles

Friday, June 6, 2008

Browser Toolbar

Recently I made an Ishayas' Ascension conduit browser toolbar. It can be downloaded at this address. . .

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Transcendental Play

“Life is either a dancing adventure or nothing at all.” -Helen Keller

How many times has everything in life flowed in complete ease when everything that you need or desire shows up exactly when you need it? How many times has “Murphy’s Law” taken effect where everything falls apart at the seams? It’s probably a mix of both situations. Most of us have learned to take ourselves far too seriously! This causes our attention to be very confined to what we think is happening in our little corner of the universe. Because of this what we truly perceive of life is really very little in comparison to all that is going on. In the waking state of consciousness we only use about 5-10 percent of our brain while thinking about 50,000 thoughts a day. Most of these thoughts are dealing with the mundane, dwelling in the past, or projecting into the future. This chatter is the main cause for narrowing our perceptive abilities to a small range. It can be easy to think of ourselves as simply pawns in a play being orchestrated by some uncaring or even malevolent director. This is the consciousness of being a victim to life. Thinking this way is a choice that results in pain and suffering. We can, of course, make a choice to think in another way. It is really not a difficult thing to do. In truth, this whole universe is nothing other than a stage on which Divinity dances. Our individual lives have the potential to be pure expressions of this dance. Every experience is brought to us to help facilitate the full realization of our potential. Every experience, without exceptions.

As a young child and a teenager I day dreamed often of the future events of my life. I would come up with elaborate scenarios and would picture people that I did not know at the time. Years later many of these day-dreams would play themselves out right down to the minute details of conversation. This never ceases to amaze me. When I was 13, my mother and I were in a car accident from which she died. The night before I had asked her if she was going to die, and she of course, replied no. The next morning I awoke with a loud gasp only to see the sun shining on her and my father as they passed by my room to go on their morning walk. Even at the time it seemed like one of those shots from a movie that was too perfect to be a product of chance. They asked me what was wrong, but I simply couldn’t put my feelings into anything but sobs. After the accident, as we were in the ambulance together, she was laboring to hold onto life. She called out my name several times and I answered that I was o.k. After that, her breathing became less labored and I had the distinct experience of her leaving her body.

Shortly afterward I knew that she had fulfilled her part in my life and in so doing gave me the greatest gift; the gift of giving me a spiritual awakening. All of the events brought about a subtle sense that my life was being guided by a greater intelligence. The other major change was that for 3 months I wasn’t afraid of everything. I was completely present with everything that was going on in me and around me and I experienced a huge energy moving in everything. I could feel this power like a wind that stirred my soul. I could see its essence dancing underneath the laughter of my friends and could feel its warmth moving through the care of my grieving father.
I had no conception or idea of what was happening in me. Only later did I recognize that the huge energy was pure Joy that came from living a life without any mental garbage or restrictions, completely in the present moment, freed from the growing cages of my young ego. That state did not last forever, the garbage started to return, but never would life be the same and soon my quest for a permanent experience of that unbounded Joy began.
Death may seem like a somber topic for a publication dedicated to Joy and Laughter, but for many it serves as a catalyst to break through the boundaries that keep our Love and Joy locked behind closed doors. As children we are so innocent. We have no restrictions. We freely express ourselves and experience life fluidly. Our perceptions are open, and many children can see the fairies and elementals of the subtle realms. Little by little the veils close in as our programming leaves less and less room for clear perception. Flowing with life seems to become more difficult as we place more and more restrictions upon ourselves. There is no real reason to hold onto anything. This is a world of constant change. In the end we are only grasping for grains of sand. All that is truly essential takes care of itself. All we need to do is let go and let the river of life take us where it will. The easiest way to do this is to directly connect with the truest part of us; to directly experience all the potential that is obscured and hidden by the habitual ramblings of our mind. It’s very hard to break a habit by force. It is very easy to break a habit if we experience something greater and more pleasing. Inside all of us there is a well of Peace and Joy that is waiting to be tapped into. One taste of that and the old restrictive habits start to fall away. Whether everything is seemingly going our way or it is a “Murphy’s Law” type of day is of not much concern when you know a Joy that transcends and permeates both experiences. Then life really does become a dancing adventure!

All of this can certainly be easier said than done. Fortunately there are some reliable tools in this world to help facilitate the process of transforming life into one lived in Joy and Love. One of these tools is called the Ishayas’ Ascension. It is simple, requires no effort or special qualifications to practice, and is very effective. If you would like more information about it, visit our website at http://www.theishayatradition.org or call 888-474-2921. This article was originally published in Synchronicity Magazine.

The Inner Self

Inside every one of us there is a deep desire to experience love, wholeness, healing, and contentment. There is an Infinite River of Bliss and Joy and Love that floods through all of creation. The deepest root of every human desire is to dive into this river and be carried away into complete and unending satisfaction. Many of us, though, go quite thirsty and this River of Bliss seems to be a pipe-dream or something out of reach or imperceptible. Underneath the fluid surface of our lives there is a field of Infinite depth and unlimited pure potential that is the source of all Love, Wisdom, and Energy. Throughout the ages this field of Being has been called by many names; the One, the Unbounded, the Now, Sat-Chit-Ananda, the Peace that passes all Understanding. We call it the Ascendant. The name we give it is not important. You can call it any name, but language falls short of describing its essence for its essence is beyond any form. What is most important is that though it lies beyond the realm of names and forms we are able to experience it.

The Ascendant is the field out of which all possibilities spring. Everything that exists is made up of the Source. All things come from there and will eventually return there. It is the Alpha and the Omega. If the Universe were to dissolve it would remain forever still, silent, and unchanged. There is nothing before it. There will be nothing after it. It underlies and permeates all things, but it is not a thing. It is formless and un-manifest, forever beyond the world of characteristics. However, it is not a void or a negative state of existence; it is a state of supreme fullness.

The experience of the Inner Source is more Real and solid than any of the experiences of the waking state of consciousness where experience is made up of the combination of transient dualistic elements. In that sense the waking state of consciousness is a dream world. When we become Enlightened we become permanently awake to the Eternal essence that underlies this world of changing opposites. This provides us with the ultimate stability as the Ascendant is unchanging. There are no ups and there are no downs. The more we develop our relationship to that place, the less the movements of the world affect us. This is True freedom.

This Ascendant is in all places at all times, it is Omnipresent. Therefore it must be within you, within me, within everyone and everything. There is no place that you can go where it is not. It is the fundamental level of our being and as such we can never be separate from it. We can believe we are separate, but this is belief. We suffer only because we believe ourselves to be small (or large for that matter!) separate individual egos. We wander and seek out experiences, people, or things that end up only temporarily satiating us. There is certainly nothing wrong with experiences, people, and things! Nothing at all, but as far as lasting fulfillment goes they alone will never truly fulfill us.

When we get our love from objects or people what happens when the objects or people are gone or changed? Generally our love is in some way diminished. This is definitely the case with relationships. We fall in love and if the person changes greatly from our projected ideal, or our projected ideals change, we fall out of love. One of the more difficult lessons to be learned is that all of the love we have experienced has its source inside of us. We are ultimately in control of how much flows from the faucet of our heart. Mainly, the flow of love is stopped by habits of judgment and inner walls built from previous negative experiences. What is required to break through these habits and fear based patterns is a greater experience of life.

A mind immersed in the Source is a still, quiet, and powerful mind. The mind is like a pond. When we are busy with thinking many thoughts it is like throwing many stones into the pond at once. There are many smaller waves going in different directions with crests cancelling each other out. When we throw one stone in the pond the waves are uniform and powerful. This is measurable by the electroencephalograph as coherence between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. As the mind becomes still and coherent the body responds by becoming still, peaceful, and deeply relaxed. This deep rest gives the body a chance to throw off stresses that sleep doesn’t touch. In this way both our mind and entire physiology are transformed for the better by experiencing the stillness of the Source within.

Fear is born from the perception of being a limited separate being. When our awareness touches the inner Light, the shadows of fear melt away and are replaced by the Love that has patiently waited to be recognized. Even a momentary dip into the Infinite can completely change a life. Consistent experience will transform life beyond our wildest dreams. How do we culture a consistent experience? Most if not all of us will require an effective tool to move the mind inward to the Source. With a tool the equation becomes simple. We use it. And if we use it consistently with dedication it will not be a long journey to the Self! There is really no distance to be traversed anyways; only the distance we have created in our minds. There are no limitations to life but those that we artificially impose. There are no problems that cannot be cured through connection to Omniscient wisdom. There is no pain that cannot be healed by the Love of the Divine Presence within us. It does not have to take long to fully awaken to our True Nature. The natural state of the mind is Enlightenment!

The Art of Ascension

What is the meaning of life? Why are you here on this planet? Is your life and therefore your consciousness simply the bi-product of a random occurrence in a changing physical universe or are we beings of Light on the stage of Earth clothed in bodily vehicles? What is love? Is it simply a passing feeling dependent upon changing outside circumstances or is it the fundamental energy of who we are, flowing from an Unbounded Source within us. If this is the case, is it only an experience that comes and goes randomly or is it possible to systematically cultivate this experience and live in communion with this Infinite Source fully and permanently? It is and it is not a hard or arduous task. In fact it is far easier to be Enlightened than it is to be ignoring who we are. We, of the Ishaya Tradition, offer a time tested and effective path that can bring about full Human Consciousness in less than a single lifetime. We call it the Art of Ascension.
The Art of Ascension is a series of simple, easy, and highly effective techniques for the expansion of Consciousness. These techniques, called Ascension Attitudes, naturally and effortlessly move the mind from the surface to the deepest level of Consciousness, the Source, the Stillness, or what we call the Ascendant. The Ascension Attitudes are based in the upward directed emotions of Praise, Gratitude, and Love. There are no beliefs required in order to practice Ascension. It works whether you believe in it or not. It works whether we have a busy mind or a quiet mind, a good day or a bad day. All experiences are o.k. in Ascension. In fact there is no specific experience that we need to produce in order to be ascending properly. It’s easy because the techniques are very pleasurable to the mind. Many meditation techniques attempt to force or concentrate the mind into stillness. Many of these techniques sprang from the idea that the mind is like a monkey jumping from branch to branch never finding what it wants. That is not at all the case with Ascension. Ascension is completely natural and utilizes the natural tendency of the mind; which is to seek greater happiness. In Ascension we are simply giving the monkey its Ideal banana.

By experiencing the Source within the mind naturally settles down. When the mind settles down, the body settles down to an extremely deep state of rest; measurably twice as deep as the deepest sleep at night. It doesn’t take years of practice to develop this deep state, it happens the first time someone Ascends. When we begin to Ascend, life immediately begins to improve. As we continue to Ascend, our mind becomes more and more familiar with the deeper levels of Consciousness. What we focus on grows, so as we give focus to our Consciousness it expands and as it expands we realize more and more of who we really are.
Ascension means to rise beyond. What we are rising beyond are the limiting internal beliefs of separation that block and obscure our connection to the Reality that lies within us. Many spend years and fortunes attempting to do this and not really achieving very much. Einstein said that it is impossible to solve a problem from the level that it was created at. This is very much true when it comes to changing the internal programs and habits whose roots go deepest. The Ascension Attitudes take our mind directly to the Source every time we use them. By going to the root the whole plant is enlivened. By connecting to our Consciousness every aspect of our life is improved. The old habits of thought fall away very easily because they are replaced by a more pleasurable experience of life. The path to Enlightenment is not a forced marched of giving up the things that we love. It is not necessary to isolate ourselves for years in a cave. Nor is it necessary to adopt rigid disciplinary practices in order to transcend our egoic self. Expanding consciousness is a path of Joy!

One of the greatest benefits of Ascension is that it can be done with the eyes open in addition to the eyes closed practice. This practice can be used throughout the entire day. In every moment you can have access to a key that opens the door to the Kingdom of Heaven within. In every moment one has a choice to rise above the self-defeating limitations of thought that keep life bound. Every moment of life can be lived in waves of Praise, Gratitude, and Love. Every moment can be consecrated to Truth and Beauty. It does not have to take long to awaken to our True Nature. When the Sun comes out the clouds disappear. All we need do is turn towards the Light within ourselves and the shadows will vanish. We need do so little to gain so much. So come and Ascend simply, easily, naturally.

This article, though written by me, was originally seen in the VisionQuest Metaphysical Bookstore’s Newsletter in Scottsdale, Arizona and is presented here with their kind permission and thanks from me.